Reprint of the articles posted in Yachts and Yachting by Gareth Caldwell. Those eagled eyed music fans amongst you will note certain phrases highlighted. These relate to the songs from a separate band for each day. There will be a small prize from the bottom of the Chairman’s drink cabinet for the first person to guess correctly on the forum the name of all the bands mentioned.
Day 1
by G Caldwell 26 Jun 12:16 BST 25 June 2018

….well, Stone sailing club on the river Blackwater to be precise! A healthy turn out of a dozen ICs attended the first day of Canoe Week, a prelude to the IC Nationals that start on Thursday. The week is run with an emphasis on handicap racing for the different designs of IC, with the new boats attending hoping to provide the ‘Breakthru’ in design.
Waiting for the ‘Hammer to Fall’ at the 2pm start, the positive ‘Body Language’ was evident from the off by Mike Fenwick who was ‘Dead on Time’ in nailing the favoured end.
The fleet enjoyed the F2 sea breeze, and Robin Wood showed his ‘Staying Power’ half way through the race by finding ‘A Kind of Magic’; behaving like ‘An Invisible Man’ by emerging near the front of the fleet and muttering ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’.
With Mike and Robin now neck and neck, the outcome was certainly ‘In The Lap of the Gods’…..the seaweed gods!
With only one race to be sailed each day the fleet decided that ‘It’s a Beautiful Day’ and retired to the beer garden…..’Lazing on a Sun(Mon)day Afternoon’.
Day 1 Canoe Week Top Five:
1. R Wood
2. M Fenwick
3. G Caldwell
4. T Marston
5. J Ellis
Thank you to our OD Wendy Robinson, and to Freddie.
Day 2
by G Caldwell 27 Jun 13:10 BST 26 June 2018

Awaking from the ‘Big Sleep’, and after an excellent athletes breakfast(!), the fleet surveyed the ‘Waterfront’ and were greeted by a force 2 breeze. Wind with tide made light wind settings the order of the day.
Perham showed that he was very much ‘Alive and Kicking’ after hours of boat bumbling, mixing it with the front of the fleet. Rob Stebbing proved clarity to the briefing’s warning “She’s a River” by checking the depth at both edges of the Blackwater – and can confirm that its very much less than the depth of his dagger board.
After an hour of the fleet playing the ‘Hunter and the Hunted’, the first three positions emerged the same as yesterday.
Thanks again to our OD Wendy, and this time also to Jim Kerr.
Day 2 Canoe Week Top Five:
1. Robin Wood
2. Mike Fenwick
3. Gareth Caldwell
4. John Ellis
5. Perham Harding

Day 3
by G Caldwell 28 Jun 05:57 BST 25-27 June 2018
‘Are friends electric?’
As ‘Cars‘ arrived throughout the morning with helms attending the Nationals (starting Thursday), ‘Down in the (boat) Park‘ the ‘Emotion‘ was high as rigging commenced in an increasing breeze for day three of Canoe Week. First to launch into a strong tide, Perham was heard to shout ‘Me! I Disconnect From You‘ as his IC decided it was better off without its helm.
In the strong breeze and tide, it was a credit to the ‘Devotion‘ of the fleet that all started on the button. Getting inshore was paramount, and it was ‘A Question of Faith’ to how far into the shallows you went.
From start to finish, really close racing was evident throughout the fleet. Robin was again ‘Devious‘ and won. Mike and myself were close enough throughout to enjoy a ‘Conversation‘, and Tony Marston nearly achieved his ‘Desire‘ in beating John Ellis.
With the influx of new helms for tomorrow, ‘I Wonder‘ if the order will be different.
Wendy again was our accommodating OD.
Day Three Race Results: (top five)
1. Robin Wood
2. Mike Fenwick
3. Gareth Caldwell
4. Steve Clarke
5. Rob Bell

Day 4 at Stone Sailing Club
by G Caldwell 29 Jun 11:44 BST 25 June – 1 July 2018
The fleet awoke to a ‘Grey Day‘ and a building breeze. Two races were sailed on Thursday – the first race also dual purpose for the Canoe Week results.After tallying in the ‘I’ll Compete‘ box, 25 helms ventured forth. The cloud had lifted and the sun now out. With a plethora of green coloured hulls, it was a little like ‘March of the Gherkins‘.
With wind over tide, it was a case of minimising ‘Mistakes‘. Richard Bowers ‘Never Ask(ed) Twice‘ and crossed the fleet with a perfect port end start.
Mark Godchild and Shaun Anderson vied for the title of ‘The Wizard‘ by rounding the windward mark in first and second.
Robin Wood benefited from an inept tack and resultant capsize from yours truly to sail off for the win… ‘That’s The Way To Do It‘. It was a ‘Crying Shame‘ that Dave Timpson capsized 20m from the finish when in third place.
Race two was started after a delay for resetting the marks, and the breeze built to over 20 knots, the tide got stronger and the chop got choppier… ‘Madness!‘
Al Warren was ‘Solid Gone‘ until probing the depth at the gybe mark. Robin ‘Waltz into Mischief‘ with a beautiful, if somewhat ‘Overdone‘, invertion on a bear away, and I went ‘One Step Beyond‘ from the first race.
After four laps, the fleet were relieved it was ‘Time for Tea‘ and returned to the safety of the club.
Thanks, as always, to Wendy (OD) and her team.

IC Nationals after Day 1: (top five)
1. Gareth Caldwell
2. Robin Wood
3. Phil Robin
4. Al Warren
5. Steve Clarke
Canoe Week: (top five)
1. Robin Wood
2. Mike Fenwick
3. Gareth Caldwell
4. Tony Marston
5. John Ellis
Day 7 at Stone Sailing Club
by G Caldwell 2 Jul 14:57 BST 25 June – 1 July 2018
“Wishful Beginnings” gave way to “Wild is the Wind” as the fleet stood looking at the Blackwater. “What’s Really Happening?” “Where Are We Now?” results wise?

Most of the fleet. from being “The Superman” earlier on in the week, were now “Under Pressure” from the affects of the night before.
A building F4 with F5 gusts and a strong tide. With forecast to get stronger.
The P.R.O. called “Time“, and the racing was cancelled for the day, the “Sound and Vision” of the abandoned flag being raised removing any “Sense of Doubt“.
Prize-giving with cheese and wine – trophies for the “Heroes” and gifts for those who helped the “Boys Keep Swinging“.
Overall Results:
International Canoe

International Canoe OD
1st Mark Goodchild
2nd Alasdair Alston
3rd Dan Skinner
Asymmetric Canoe
1st Andy Gordon
2nd Roger Howell